
Running Ubuntu 12.10 with Emacs 24.3.1 and ECB 2.40. Not sure what actually caused this, other than an apt-get update && upgrade I ran a couple days ago.

It started when I rebooted my computer and I ran Emacs and did M-X ecb-activate I would get the following error:

ECB 2.40 - Error: ECB can only be used with cedet [1.0pre6, 1.1.9]! Please install it and restart Emacs!

I tried a couple of things but have not figured out what exactly caused this issue. I did an apt-get update && upgrade several days ago IIRC and it did update a bunch of packages, so thats a possibility. I ran M-X cedet-version and got:

 CEDET Version: 2.0
            Requested   File        Loaded
 Package        Version     Version     Version
  cedet:        2.0     nil     ok
  eieio:        1.4     nil     ok
  semantic:     2.2     nil     ok
  srecode:      1.2     nil     Not Loaded
  ede:          1.2     nil     Not Loaded
  speedbar:     1.0.4       nil     1.0
  cogre:        1.2     nil     Not Loaded
  cedet-contrib:    1.2     nil     Not Loaded

Any thoughts on what is going on here?

What worked for me (after some more googling) was to edit ecb/ecb-cedet-wrapper.el - find the following line in that file: (defconst ecb-cedet-required-version-max '(1 1 4 9) And replace the first '1' to a '2': (defconst ecb-cedet-required-version-max '(2 1 4 9) Restarted emacs and everything is working fine.justCookin
please, look to my answer about fresh versions of ECB/CEDETAlex Ott

3 Answers


There is a fork of ECB that works with fresh Emacs & CEDET versions. You can install it either manually, or via MELPA (see instructions on the end of page on how activate MELPA).


What worked for me (after some more googling) was to edit ecb/ecb-cedet-wrapper.el - find the following line in that file:

(defconst ecb-cedet-required-version-max '(1 1 4 9)

And replace the first '1' to a '2':

(defconst ecb-cedet-required-version-max '(2 1 4 9)

Restarted emacs and everything is working fine.


After a LOT of googling, the only trick that did it for me was found here : add

(setq ecb-version-check nil)

to my emacs init file.