
I have just yesterday begun using a JQuery graphing plugin called Flot. I am trying to plot multiple series while only allowing certain series to be hoverable. The API stipulates that data level options allow setting hoverable true/false. This seems however to be ignored and only graph level options are taking.

Here are my data level options:

var datasets = [
    { color: "green", data: data1, label: "Speed", lines: { show: true} },
    { color: "red", data: data2, label: "N01"} 

Here are my graph level options:

var options = { series: { bubbles: { active: true, show: true, fill: true, lineWidth: 2} }, grid: { show: true, hoverable: true, clickable: true} };

However as can be seen in this fiddle the above settings cause both data-series to be hoverable. From my understanding of the API I should be able to amend the above setting to the following:

var datasets = [
    { color: "green", data: data1, label: "Speed", lines: { show: true}, hoverable: false, clickable: false},
    { color: "red", data: data2, label: "N01", hoverable: true, clickable: true} 

This however doesn't work. Please can someone show me how to set which series are hoverable and clickable and which aren't.

Thanks from Cape Town, South Africa


1 Answers


It appears to be a bug in the bubbles plugin. If you remove series: {bubbles: ...}}, you'll see that the per-series hoverable/clickable options do work.