I am making a web form for people to sign up for an event. I found that I can use Google form and Google spreadsheet for this task, and I started to learn how to use these web applications. I would also like to send the automatic confirmation e-mail to those who have signed up. For this task, I am also looking into the Google Apps Script. As far as I understand, I should define a function to send e-mail in a script in the spreadsheet and trigger this function at 'Form Submission Event'. I would like to identify the e-mail address of a person who signed up from the data he/she submitted, and I would like to include all the submitted data as well as the time stamp in the confirmation e-mail.
My questions are the following.
- How can I identify the cell in the spreadsheet into which the value of an input field in the Form is stored?
- Or, is there any way that I can read the values of the respective input fields from a Google Apps Script?
I would be glad if you could kindly refer me to an unambiguous API reference related to these questions.
So far I learned about the applications from the help pages provided in Google Drive, e.g.
However, I feel documents there are too concise.
I am learning how to send confirmation e-mail from this Google Apps Script: FormSubmissionResponseEmail
I could not find a help document that explicitly relates an input field in a Google form and a cell in the Google spreadsheet. From my limited number of experiment cases, it seems that the time stamps are always stored in the first column of the spreadsheet. Is this guaranteed? It seems that 'namedValues' member of the 'Spreadsheet Form Submit Events' class is said to contain "the question names and values from the form submission." (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/understanding_events) However, when I modified the Google form, the 'namedValues' member still held the elements corresponding to deleted input fields. Is there any way to loop over only those elements in 'namedValues' that corresponds to the fields actually input by a user?
I would also be glad to hear about alternative tools to replace Google form and Google spreadsheet.