I am coming across an urgent issue when doing migration from development environment to dev/test environment. I always get the error
The server was unable to process the request from the application. Please try again later.
Note: the dev environment is ready (worklight console and application center). I can access them via two urls of ...:9080/worklight/console/ and ...:9080/applicationcenter/applications/Applications.html
I saw the "Help-IBM Worklight" doc and followed steps it list, but it didn't work.
The steps I've taken:
- change application-descriptor.xml's worklightServerRootURL to: http://www.test.com:9080/worklight
- change worklight.properties:
# http or https
publicWorkLightProtocol = http
# For default port leave empty
Followed by:
- Build All and Deploy
- Rename the MyTest.war file to worklight.war (I saw a .war file named "worklight.war" had been deployed, which is used for worklight console, I think.)
When I access the url "www.test.com:9080/worklight/apps/services/api/ISMD/android/" directly, I get the error:
Any help?