I am trying to create a form in Symfony2 with a text input field that accepts a string consisting of 6 digits followed by a dash followed by four digits (e.g. 123456-7890). It does work, but I'm getting inconsistent HTML markup depending on exactly how I add the field to the form.
This is from the entity:
class Kursist
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=11)
protected $cpr;
public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
$metadata->addPropertyConstraint('cpr', new NotBlank());
$metadata->addPropertyConstraint('cpr', new Regex(array(
'pattern' => '/^\d{6}-\d{4}$/',
From the form definition:
class KursistType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
From the twig template:
<form action= ... >;
{{ form_row(form.cpr) }}
This is what the browser source code looks like - note the pattern and maxlength attributes:
<label for="KursistType_cpr" class="required">Cpr</label><input type="text" id="KursistType_cpr" name="KursistType[cpr]" required="required" maxlength="11" pattern="\d{6}-\d{4}" value="123456-7890" />
I want to use my own label rather than the default, so I change the form field defition:
class KursistType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder->add('cpr','text', array('label' => 'CPR')); ...
But now when I look at the browser source code, the pattern and maxlength attributes have gone:
<label for="KursistType_cpr" class="required">CPR</label><input type="text" id="KursistType_cpr" name="KursistType[cpr]" required="required" value="123456-7890" />
Is there some way to modify the label using the FormBuilderInterface without these attributes being dropped?