
I would like to load test a vaadin app with 5000 users. I found this https://vaadin.com/wiki/-/wiki/Main/JMeter%20Testing and trying to emulate with a single user. With the simplest step of Login and Logout, i encounter this error during playback.

No UIProvider returned a UI for the request

Any idea what is this error regards or how to troubleshoot it?


2 Answers


It looks like that jMeter example is for Vaadin 6. Vaadin 7 refactored the servlet class, and the Application class is now the UI class. So instead of that section of the web.xml looking like this:



It would look like this:



Assuming the FeatureBrowser class is renamed to FeatureBrowserUI, and subclasses the UI class, and all the other little changes Vaadin 7 introduced, as explained in the migration guide: link.


Vaadin uses a lot of technical ids, so in order to create a realistic simulation you need to correlate those ids. XSRF protection is only part of the correlation.

You can read this blog which illustrate the use of a commercial plugin for JMeter that does auto correlation for you. You just record and you can replay, all correlation is done by plugin.

Disclaimer : We are provider of this solution