I've got an OpenSSL generated X.509 certificate in PEM format and it's associated key file. This certificate is required for authentication when connecting to a prototype server. This works fine on Linux. I've been using the Microsoft SChannel API to drive SSL/TLS connections on Windows platforms but I want to use the same test certificate. I can right-click on the certificate file and import it into my certificate store but I believe that the private key is not imported with it (even though I've concatenated them into the same file).
When I go to run the SChannel code, I get a 'SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS' error when I init the security context (via InitializeSecurityContext). I suspect this means that the private key is missing.
Does anyone know how to test the presence or absence of a private key in a certificate which is located in the Personal (or 'My') certificate store, accessed via 'certmgr.msc'?. Is it possible to import a new key file for a certificate in the store?
Any insight or advice would be much appreciated.