I'm currently using a naked domain to A alias to Amazon's S3 web hosting service (new feature connection between Route53 and S3), but I'm having some trouble getting the www. to redirect/display the bucket. I've tried: Using CNAME for www. -> naked and *. -> naked (the normal way) Using CNAME Alias to the bucket Using CNAME Alias to the naked domain (in the same zone) Using A to alias to the bucket Using A to alias to the naked domain (in the same zone)
Every result is either a 404 or trying to find the bucket for www.mydomain.com, which obviously doesn't exist. I quite possibly could have been overanxious and stumbled across the right one but didn't wait long enough for it, but I've been doing this over the past few hours so I think it should have went through considering I keep clearing my DNS. The normal way of using the CNAME approach gave me the www.mydomain.com bucket error. Also I'm not quite sure exactly what this "Alias" thing is all about. What is the correct method?