
I'm working with several repositories, but lately I was just working in our internal one and all was great.

Today I had to commit and push code into other one, but I'm having some troubles.

$ git push appharbor master
error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing https://[email protected]/mitivo.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack
fatal: HTTP request failed

There is nothing I can do, that would bring the password entry again.

How can I reset the credentials on my system so Git will ask me for the password of that repository?

I have tried:

  • git config --global --unset core.askpass

in order to unset the password

  • git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=1'

in order to avoid credentials cache...

Nothing seems to work; does anyone have a better idea?

Do you have a ~/.netrc file?robinst
@robinst it's a windows machine, and I can't find that file, not even from Git Bash...balexandre
@balexandre for a Windows machine, I prefer using the new (git 1.8.3) credential helper netrc, which would store multiple credential in an encrypted file. It is better than entering your password each time for each session, since the cache only "caches" the password for a certain time. See a full example here.VonC
I don't have .netrc. I do have a file in ~ (C:\Users\Myself) named .git-credentials, but erasing it didn't work, I'm still logged into Git Shell. Also, the Control Panel Credential Manager doesn't seem to be storing anything. Local and global Git config files seems ok. I inherited my workstation from an employee that left, so it could be that he set-up some unorthodox credential caching mechanism that I have no clue how to turn off. I hope this behavior IS NOT the default of Git Windows. On Mac credential caching is the default but at least it shows up in Keychain Access.damix911
A fuller answer which also works on linux, windows and Mac OS X see stackoverflow.com/a/39944557/3906760MrTux

30 Answers


If this problem comes on a Windows machine, do the following.

  • Go to Credential Manager

    • in German, it is called: Anmeldeinformationsverwaltung
    • in French, it is called: Gestionnaire d'identification
    • in Polish, it is called: Menedżer poświadczeń
    • in Portuguese, it is called: Gerenciador de Credenciais
    • in Russian, it is called: Диспетчер учётных данных

    Go to Credential Manager

  • Go to Windows Credentials

  • Delete the entries under Generic Credentials

    Go to Windows Credentials and Delete the entries under Generic Credentials

  • Try connecting again. This time, it should prompt you for the correct username and password.


The Git credential cache runs a daemon process which caches your credentials in memory and hands them out on demand. So killing your git-credential-cache--daemon process throws all these away and results in re-prompting you for your password if you continue to use this as the cache.helper option.

You could also disable use of the Git credential cache using git config --global --unset credential.helper. Then reset this, and you would continue to have the cached credentials available for other repositories (if any). You may also need to do git config --system --unset credential.helper if this has been set in the system configuration file (for example, Git for Windows 2).

On Windows you might be better off using the manager helper (git config --global credential.helper manager). This stores your credentials in the Windows credential store which has a Control Panel interface where you can delete or edit your stored credentials. With this store, your details are secured by your Windows login and can persist over multiple sessions. The manager helper included in Git for Windows 2.x has replaced the earlier wincred helper that was added in Git for Windows A similar helper called winstore is also available online and was used with GitExtensions as it offers a more GUI driven interface. The manager helper offers the same GUI interface as winstore.

Extract from the Windows 10 support page detailing the Windows credential manager:

To open Credential Manager, type "credential manager" in the search box on the taskbar and select Credential Manager Control panel.

And then select Windows Credentials to edit (=remove or modify) the stored git credentials for a given URL.



$ git config credential.helper store

And then you will be prompted to enter your credentials again.


Using this helper will store your passwords unencrypted on disk

Source: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-credential-store


I faced the same issue as the OP. It was taking my old Git credentials stored somewhere on the system and I wanted to use Git with my new credentials, so I ran the command

$ git config --system --list

It showed


Whenever I performed git push it was taking my old username which I set long back, and I wanted to use new a GitHub account to push changes. I later found that my old GitHub account credentials was stored under Control PanelUser AccountsCredential ManagerManage Windows Credentials.

Manage Windows Credentials

I just removed these credentials and when I performed git push it asked me for my GitHub credentials, and it worked like a charm.


Try using the below command.

git credential-manager

Here you can get various options to manage your credentials (check the below screen).

Enter image description here

Or you can even directly try this command:

git credential-manager uninstall

This will start prompting for passwords again on each server interaction request.


I found something that worked for me. When I wrote my comment to the OP I had failed to check the system config file:

git config --system -l

shows a

credential.helper=!github --credentials

line. I unset it with

git config --system --unset credential.helper

and now the credentials are forgotten.


In my case, Git is using Windows to store credentials.

All you have to do is remove the stored credentials stored in your Windows account:

Windows credentials menu

git config --list

will show credential.helper = manager (this is on a windows machine)

To disable this cached username/password for your current local git folder, simply enter

git config credential.helper ""

This way, git will prompt for password every time, ignoring what's saved inside "manager".


This error appears when you are using multiple Git accounts on the same machine.

If you are using macOS then you can remove the saved credentials of github.com.

Please follow below steps to remove the github.com credentials.

  1. Open Keychain Access
  2. Find github
  3. Select the github.com and Right click on it
  4. Delete "github.com"
  5. Try again to Push or Pull to git and it will ask for the credentials.
  6. Enter valid credentials for repository account.
  7. Done

    enter image description here


You have to update it in your Credential Manager.

Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials. You will see Git credentials in the list (e.g. git:https://). Click on it, update the password, and execute git pull/push command from your Git bash and it won't throw any more error messages.


In Windows 2003 Server with "wincred"*, none of the other answers helped me. I had to use cmdkey.

  • cmdkey /list lists all stored credentials.
  • cmdkey /delete:Target deletes the credential with "Target" name.

cmdkey /list; cmdkey /delete:Target

(* By "wincred" I mean git config --global credential.helper wincred)


Got same error when doing a 'git pull' and this is how I fixed it.

  1. Change repo to HTTPS
  2. Run command git config --system --unset credential.helper
  3. Run command git config --system --add credential.helper manager
  4. Test command git pull
  5. Enter credentials in the login window that pops up.
  6. Git pull completed successfully.

In case Git Credential Manager for Windows is used (which current versions usually do):

git credential-manager clear

This was added mid-2016. To check if credential manager is used:

git config --global credential.helper
→ manager

Using latest version of git for Windows on Windows 10 Professional and I had a similar issue whereby I have two different GitHub accounts and also a Bitbucket account so things got a bit confusing for VS2017, git extensions and git bash.

I first checked how git was handling my credentials with this command (run git bash with elevated commands or you get errors):

git config --list

I found the entry Credential Manager so I clicked on the START button > typed Credential Manager to and left-clicked on the credential manager yellow safe icon which launched the app. I then clicked on the Windows Credentials tabs and found the entry for my current git account which happened to be Bit-bucket so I deleted this account.

But this didn't do the trick so the next step was to unset the credentials and I did this from the repository directory on my laptop that contains the GitHub project I am trying to push to the remote. I typed the following command:

git config --system --unset credential.helper

Then I did a git push and I was prompted for a GitHub username which I entered (the correct one I needed) and then the associated password and everything got pushed correctly.

I am not sure how much of an issue this is going forward most people probably work off the one repository but I have to work across several and using different providers so may encounter this issue again.


Need to login with respective github username and password

To Clear the username and password in windows

Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager

Edit the windows Credential

Remove the existing user and now go to command prompt write the push command it shows a github pop-up to enter the username/email and password .

Now we able to push the code after switching the user.


Remove this line from your .gitconfig file located in the Windows' currently logged-in user folder:

helper = !\"C:/Program Files (x86)/GitExtensions/GitCredentialWinStore/git-credential-winstore.exe\"

This worked for me and now when I push to remote it asks for my password again.


In my case, I couldn't find the credentials saved in the Windows Credential Manager (Windows 7).

I was able to reset my credentials by executing

git config --global credential.helper wincred

It was honestly a hail Mary to see if it would wipe out my credentials and it actually worked.

  1. Go to C:\Users\<current-user>
  2. check for .git-credentials file
  3. Delete content or modify as per your requirement
  4. Restart your terminal

If you want git to forget old saved credentials and re-enter username and password, you can do that using below command:

git credential-cache exit

After running above command, if you try to push anything it will provide option to enter username and password.


If your credentials are stored in the credential helper (generally the case), the portable way to remove a password persisted for a specific host is to call git credential reject:

  • in one line:

    $ echo "url=https://appharbor.com" | git credential reject
  • or interactively:

    $ git credential reject
    [email protected]
    • ↵ is the Enter symbol, just hit Enter key twice at the end of input, don't copy/paste it
    • The username doesn't seem recognized by wincred, so avoid to filter by username on Windows

After that, to enter your new password, type git fetch.



On Windows, at least, git remote show [remote-name] will work, e.g.

git remote show origin

You can remove the line credential.helper=!github --credentials from the following file C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\etc\gitconfig in order to remove the credentials for git


For macOS users :

This error appears when you are using multiple Git accounts on the same machine.

Please follow below steps to remove the github.com credentials.

  1. Go to Finder
  2. Go to Applications
  3. Go to Utilities Folder
  4. Open Keychain Access
  5. Select the github.com and Right click on it

Delete "github.com"

Try again to Push or Pull to git and it will ask for the credentials. Enter valid credentials for repository account. Done


This approach worked for me and should be agnostic of OS. It's a little heavy-handed, but was quick and allowed me to reenter credentials.

Simply find the remote alias for which you wish to reenter credentials.

$ git remote -v 
origin  https://bitbucket.org/org/~username/your-project.git (fetch)
origin  https://bitbucket.org/org/~username/your-project.git (push)

Copy the project path (https://bitbucket.org/org/~username/your-project.git)

Then remove the remote

$ git remote remove origin

Then add it back

$ git remote add origin https://bitbucket.org/org/~username/your-project.git

What finally fixed this for me was to use GitHub desktop, go to repository settings, and remove user:pass@ from the repository url. Then, I attempted a push from the command line and was prompted for login credentials. After I put those in everything went back to normal. Both Visual Studio and command line are working, and of course, GitHub desktop.

GitHub Desktop->Repository->Repository Settings->Remote tab

Change Primary Remote Repository (origin) from:

https://pork@[email protected]/MyProject/MyProject.git



Click "Save"

Credentials will be cleared.


Building from @patthoyts's high-voted answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/15382950/4401322):

His answer uses but doesn't explain "local" vs. "global" vs. "system" configs. The official git documentation for them is here and worth reading.

For example, I'm on Linux, and don't use a system config, so I never use a --system flag, but do commonly need to differentiate between --local and --global configs.

My use case is I've got two Github crendentials; one for work, and one for play.

Here's how I would handle the problem:

$ cd work
# do and commit work
$ git push origin develop
# Possibly prompted for credentials if I haven't configured my remotes to automate that. 
# We're assuming that now I've stored my "work" credentials with git's credential helper.

$ cd ~/play 
# do and commit play
$ git push origin develop                                                                   
remote: Permission to whilei/specs.git denied to whilei.                
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/workname/specs.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

# So here's where it goes down:
$ git config --list | grep cred
credential.helper=store # One of these is for _local_
credential.helper=store # And one is for _global_

$ git config --global --unset credential.helper
$ git config --list | grep cred
credential.helper=store # My _local_ config still specifies 'store'
$ git config --unset credential.helper
$ git push origin develop
Username for 'https://github.com': whilei
Password for 'https://[email protected]':
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 1.10 KiB | 1.10 MiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local object.
To https://github.com/whilei/specs.git
   b2ca528..f64f065  master -> master

# Now let's turn credential-helping back on:
$ git config --global credential.helper "store"
$ git config credential.helper "store"
$ git config --list | grep cred
credential.helper=store # Put it back the way it was.

It's also worth noting that there are ways to avoid this problem altogether, for example, you can use ~/.ssh/config's with associated SSH keys for Github (one for work, one for play) and correspondingly custom-named remote hosts to solve authentication contextualizing too.


For Windows 10, go to below path,

Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager

There will be 2 tabs at this location,

  1. Web credentials and 2. Windows credentials.

Click on Windows credentials tab and here you can see your stored github credentials, under "Generic credentials" heading.

You can remove those from here and try and re-clone - it will ask for username/password now as we have just removed the stored credential from the Windows 10 systems


To add to @ericbn 's https://stackoverflow.com/a/41111629/579827 here are sample commands I've embedded in a script I run to update all my passwords whenever they are renewed. It's probably not usable as-is as it's quite specific but it shows real life usage of cmdkey.exe.

⚠ This is a shell script run in cygwin

⚠ This works because I use private git repos that all authenticate with the same password (you probably don't want to loop over with the same credentials, but you may reuse this sample /list command to extract a list of already registered credentials) ⚠

entries=`cmdkey.exe /list: | grep git | sed -r -e 's/^[^:]+:\s*(.*)$/\1/gm'`
for entry in ${entries}
    cmdkey.exe "/delete:${entry}"
    cmdkey.exe "/generic:${entry}" "/user:${GIT_USERNAME}" "/pass:${GIT_PASSWORD}"

In our case, clearing the password in the user's .git-credentials file worked for us.


Try this when nothing as mentioned above is working for you.

git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=30'

this will remove the cache every 3sec and will ask for username and password.You can re-run the command with increased timeout values.