I have added "Signal Intermediate Event" to a human-task as a boundary-event as I have given in previous question.
Sometimes the signal is processed successfully and sometimes it is NOT. JBPM runtime just updates the process-instance-info and doesn't process the signal.
I am using StatefulKnowledgeSession.signalEvent() , it is just updating the ProcessInstanceInfo at the backend and the event doesn't cancel the current activity in progress
What could be the problem ? Any bug related to this 'Signal Intermediate Event'? .
08:34:38,955 INFO [stdout] (http-- 2013-03-13 08:34:38,954 [http--] DEBUG web.mvc.controller.SignalController - A new PROCESS signal recieved ..putProcessOnHOLD 08:34:38,966 INFO [stdout] (http-- 2013-03-13 08:34:38,966 [http--] DEBUG org.drools.container.spring.beans.persistence.DroolsSpringTransactionManager - Current TX name (According to TransactionSynchronizationManager) : core.service.impl.event.ExternalEventManagerImpl.dispatchSignal 08:34:38,978 INFO [stdout] (http-- 2013-03-13 08:34:38,978 [http--] DEBUG org.drools.container.spring.beans.persistence.DroolsSpringTransactionManager - Current TX: org.springframework.transaction.support.DefaultTransactionStatus@3dda5edd 08:34:38,987 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate: select processins0_.InstanceId as InstanceId1_0_, processins0_.id as id1_0_, processins0_.lastModificationDate as lastModi3_1_0_, processins0_.lastReadDate as lastRead4_1_0_, processins0_.processId as processId1_0_, processins0_.processInstanceByteArray as processI6_1_0_, processins0_.startDate as startDate1_0_, processins0_.state as state1_0_, processins0_.OPTLOCK as OPTLOCK1_0_ from ProcessInstanceInfo processins0_ where processins0_.InstanceId=? 08:34:39,014 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate: update ProcessInstanceInfo set id=?, lastModificationDate=?, lastReadDate=?, processId=?, processInstanceByteArray=?, startDate=?, state=?, OPTLOCK=? where InstanceId=? and OPTLOCK=?
Environment : JBPM 5.4.0.Final, Jboss 7.1.0.Final