I am trying to integrate Sql Server Reporting Service with Java EE application. I can see 2 reports on the reporting server. I am trying to use the RS web service to access the server. Steps taken by me are
- Created Dynamic project in Eclipse
- Got to New - Web Service client and entered the Web service defination as ://serverName:port/ReportServer/reportservice2010.asmx?wsdl
- I see in my project the below packages com.microsoft.schemas.sqlserver.reporting._2010._03._01.ReportServer com.microsoft.schemas.sqlserver.reporting._2010._03._01.ReportServer.holders
My code:
com.microsoft.schemas.sqlserver.reporting._2010._03._01.ReportServer.ReportingService2010SoapProxy service = new com.microsoft.schemas.sqlserver.reporting._2010._03._01.ReportServer.ReportingService2010SoapProxy();
String endPo="://serverName:port/ReportServer/reportservice2010.asmx?wsdl";
service.logonUser("serverName\\username", "password",null );
The error is:
AxisFault faultCode: {xml.apache.org/axis}HTTP faultSubcode: faultString: (401)Unauthorized
After this I am not sure what I need to do. Please help me. I also tried to consume this web service using a proxy but I am getting an error. Kindly help me on what should be exactly done in order to consume SSRS 2010 webservice in Java.
Regards, Neel