I know this is an old thread, but I just cannot steer away from posting some useful info on this. I see the Zip question come up a lot and this answers nearlly most of the common questions.
To get around framework issues of using 4.5+... Their is a ZipStorer class created by jaime-olivares: https://github.com/jaime-olivares/zipstorer, he also has added an example of how to use this class as well and has also added an example of how to search for a specific filename as well.
And for reference on how to use this and iterate through for a certain file extension as example you could do this:
/// <summary>
/// Custom Method - Check if 'string' has '.png' or '.PNG' extension.
/// </summary>
static bool HasPNGExtension(string filename)
return Path.GetExtension(filename).Equals(".png", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
|| Path.GetExtension(filename).Equals(".PNG", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//NOTE: I recommend you add path checking first here, added the below as example ONLY.
string ZIPfileLocationHere = @"C:\Users\Name\Desktop\test.zip";
string EXTRACTIONLocationHere = @"C:\Users\Name\Desktop";
//Opens existing zip file.
ZipStorer zip = ZipStorer.Open(ZIPfileLocationHere, FileAccess.Read);
//Read all directory contents.
List<ZipStorer.ZipFileEntry> dir = zip.ReadCentralDir();
foreach (ZipStorer.ZipFileEntry entry in dir)
//If the files in the zip are "*.png or *.PNG" extract them.
string path = Path.Combine(EXTRACTIONLocationHere, (entry.FilenameInZip));
if (HasPNGExtension(path))
//Extract the file.
zip.ExtractFile(entry, path);
catch (InvalidDataException)
MessageBox.Show("Error: The ZIP file is invalid or corrupted");
MessageBox.Show("Error: An unknown error ocurred while processing the ZIP file.");