
I developed an Antlr3.4, grammar which generates an AST for later parsing. The generated parser uses Antlr's C interface. When the parser encounters an unexpected token it adds

"Tree Error Node" to the AST token stream and continues on processing input. (Internally "Tree Error Node" represents ANTLR3_TOKEN_INVALID.)

When I pass the output of the parser to the AST parser, it halts upon the "Tree Error Node". Is there anyway to handle invalid tokens in an AST stream?

I'm using:

  • libantlr3c-3.4
  • antlr3.4

2 Answers


I turns out you can override the tree adaptor method "errorNode" to emit a user specified token. That token can then be handled in the AST parser.


You need to override Match() using the method described above and perform recover of the parser (this is c# pseudo code):

    public override object Match(IIntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
        if (needs recover)
            ... Recover from mismatch, i.e. skip until next valid terminal.

        return base.Match(input, ttype, follow);

Also, you need to recover from mismatched token:

    protected override object RecoverFromMismatchedToken(IIntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
        if (needs recover)
            if (unwanted token(input, ttype))

                .. go to the next valid terminal
                .. consume as if ok
                .. return next valid token


            if (missing token(input, follow))
                .. go to the next valid terminal
                .. insert missing symbol and return

            .. othwerwise throw

        .. call base recovery(input, ttype, follow);

Let me know if there are additional questions.