I synthesized my design with Xilinx ISE 13.1. Target device is Virtex 5. Then I encountered this warning:
WARNING:Xst:819 - "F:/FRONT-END/h264/inter/src/eei/eei_mvd.vhd"
line 539: One or more signals are missing in the process sensitivity list.
To enable synthesis of FPGA/CPLD hardware, XST will assume that all necessary signals are present in the sensitivity list.
Please note that the result of the synthesis may differ from the initial design specification. The missing signals are:
<mvd_l0<3><3>>, <mvd_l0<3><2>>, <mvd_l0<3><1>>, <mvd_l0<3><0>>, <mvd_l0<2><3>>, <mvd_l0<2><2>>,
<mvd_l0<2><1>>, <mvd_l0<2><0>>, <mvd_l0<1><3>>, <mvd_l0<1><2>>, <mvd_l0<1><1>>, <mvd_l0<1><0>>,
<mvd_l0<0><3>>, <mvd_l0<0><2>>, <mvd_l0<0><1>>, <mvd_l0<0><0>>, <mvd_l1<3><3>>, <mvd_l1<3><2>>,
<mvd_l1<3><1>>, <mvd_l1<3><0>>, <mvd_l1<2><3>>, <mvd_l1<2><2>>, <mvd_l1<2><1>>, <mvd_l1<2><0>>,
<mvd_l1<1><3>>, <mvd_l1<1><2>>, <mvd_l1<1><1>>, <mvd_l1<1><0>>, <mvd_l1<0><3>>, <mvd_l1<0><2>>,
<mvd_l1<0><1>>, <mvd_l1<0><0>>, <mvd<0>>, <mvd<1>>
Here is my source code:
proc_update_next: process(mvd_l0, mvd_l1, mvd, subMBPart_Idx, MBPart_Idx, eei_info )
--// Init
next_mvd_l0 <= mvd_l0;
next_mvd_l1 <= mvd_l1;
--// Change
if eei_info.mb_type = BLK_8x8 then
for i in 3 downto 0 loop
for j in 3 downto 0 loop
if i = to_integer(unsigned(MBPart_Idx)) and j = to_integer(unsigned(subMBPart_Idx)) then
next_mvd_l0(i)(j) <= mvd(0);
next_mvd_l1(i)(j) <= mvd(1);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
for i in 3 downto 0 loop
if i = to_integer(unsigned(MBPart_Idx)) then
next_mvd_l0(i)(0) <= mvd(0);
next_mvd_l1(i)(0) <= mvd(1);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
Update: I change a little bit in my code and still this warning.
The mvd_l0 and mvd_l1 is two-dimension array and it appeared on sensitivity list. I know my source code is too abstract and ISE may can not understand.
I tried with Virtex 7 (not avaiable in laboratory) then there are no error. So, my question is how to fix this warning ? I can't ignore this warning because it can lead to latch.