I have a form with a few hundred Select elements and in order to save time for users I am pre-selecting the most commonly chosen values. I'd like to differentiate between when the user hasn't clicked on an element vs. when they have actively chosen a value, and therefore want to toggle the value of the default option when an element is clicked.
For example, the default for this select element is value="50_Default"
and would change to value="50"
<select name=min_jeans class="default_field">
<option value=0>$0</option>
<option value="50_Default" selected=selected>$50</option>
<option value="50" style="display:none">$50</option>
<option value=100>$100</option>
<option value=150>$150</option>
<option value=200>$200</option>
I'd like to create a function to show/hide the options by value (since many of the elements have the same default values) and I need it to work across the major browsers, however select options seem to be a bit complicated and I'm having trouble adapting jquery's show/hide method to this scenario.
Function I've tried which doesn't work
$(function () {
$('select option[value="50_Default"]').hide()
$('select option[value="50"]').show()
I've found a more complex function which can do this (and works in FF & IE), but I don't know how to modify the code so that I can just show/hide the default and regular value for one option, and referring to specific values so that I can use one function for all elements with the same default values. A working fiddle of this code is here: http://jsfiddle.net/chayacooper/YVMzt/18/
<p id="choosetype">
<select name="category" id="category">
<option value="">All Food</option>
<option value="Food1">Fruit</option>
<option value="Food2">Veggies</option>
<select name="fileType" id="fileType" size="1">
<option value="Fruit1" class="sub-Food1">Apples</option>
<option value="Fruit2" class="sub-Food1">Pears</option>
<option value="Veg1" class="sub-Food2">Peas</option>
<option value="Veg2" class="sub-Food2">Carrots</option>
<span id="optionstore" style="display:none;"></span>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#category').on("change", function() {
var cattype = $(this).val();
function optionswitch(myfilter) {
if ($('#optionstore').text() == "") {
$('option[class^="sub-"]').each(function() {
var optvalue = $(this).val();
var optclass = $(this).prop('class');
var opttext = $(this).text();
optionlist = $('#optionstore').text() + "@%" + optvalue + "@%" + optclass + "@%" + opttext;
populateoption = rewriteoption(myfilter);
function rewriteoption(myfilter) {
var options = $('#optionstore').text().split('@%');
var resultgood = false;
var myfilterclass = "sub-" + myfilter;
var optionlisting = "";
myfilterclass = (myfilter != "")?myfilterclass:"all";
for (var i = 3; i < options.length; i = i + 3) {
if (options[i - 1] == myfilterclass || myfilterclass == "all") {
optionlisting = optionlisting + '<option value="' + options[i - 2] + '" class="sub-' + options[i - 1] + '">' + options[i] + '</option>';
resultgood = true;
if (resultgood) {
return optionlisting;