I am trying to implement a zoom in function to my app. The idea is when I chose to zoom in, the graph should expand horizontally 2 times larger so that only half of the graph will be shown in the window, and one will need to scroll to see the other half despite the size of the window.
I have a zoom variable for zoom factor. Then in onDraw(CDC &pDC):
//...set pen and others...
CRect rect;
for (int x=0; x < zoomFactor*rect.Width(); x++)
//....draw the graph
then in onToolsZoomin():
void CMyGraphView::OnToolsZoomin()
zoom *= 2;
CRect rect;
CSize sizeTotal;
sizeTotal.cx = zoom*rect.Width();
sizeTotal.cy = 0;
SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, sizeTotal);
When I run this, I can have the window correctly draw half of the graph and a scrollbar that indicate only half of the graph is shown. But when I try to scroll it, it goes back to the original position (bottom left) and the other half of the graph won't show up.