
I would like to apply a function to all the tuples in an ETS table :

The table is a set, each key appears only once.

My table contains only tuples of the same type:

{Key, X, Y, VX, VY}

All values are ::integer()

What i want to do is have a certain value Elapsed and update all my tuples with a function apply_vector/2

apply_vector({K, X, Y, 0, 0}, _Elapsed) ->
    {K, X, Y, 0, 0};

apply_vector({K, X, Y, VX, VY}, Elapsed) ->
    NewX = X + (VX * Elapsed),
    NewY = Y + (VY * Elapsed),
    {K, NewX, NewY, VX, VY}.

Possible solutions

  • If i use ets:foldl, my inserts could be traversed during the fold, and result in an infinite (very long) loop.

  • I could prepare the new tuples with a ets:foldl, and then insert the whole list.

  • I could insert to a new table, then replace the old table by the new, but i don't want to limit access to the table with calls to a gen_server, the table must be accessible at any time.

  • I can not use ets:update_element because I need to read VX and VY values to update X and Y.

  • I know there are some iterators utilities but no one seems to allow to pass a fun.

I need to make this update every 1 - 5 seconds. So, wich solution is the most efficient with 10 tuples ? With 100 tuples ? With more ?

Thank You !

I Keep a list of boats, the Key is the Boat ID, X and Y are geographic coordinates, VX and VY represents a vector of movement: a deplacement for one second. Elapsed is a ratio, a number of seconds since the last update. The table helps to know at any time the position of each boat.

With 100 tuples you won't have any performance issue at all.yilmazhuseyin
Yes my question is badly asked, say 10 000 or 100 000lud

2 Answers


I probably use ets:foldl for this.

Seems to me like you only need iterative access on this data. So you could just use list of records here.

Another approach (which I would go for) is to put a boat supervisor and create a gen_server for every boat. That way every boat will have its own state and you won't actually need to traverse any list.

Also checkout qlc http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/qlc.html qlc let's you use list comrehensions on ets or mnesia tables. It will probably have the same performance as foldl though.


There's no great way to do what you are doing.

Recently, I ran in to a similar issue (Updating ~5000 rows, once a second)

Which led me to just take a totally different approach.
So, do you NEED to store the interpreted value? Or can you compute the value upon lookup?

How about storing: {K,X,Y,VX,VY,LastUpdateTime}

And then doing something like (uncompilable example):

boats:get_all() -> % Record syntax would be smarter here, but it's an example...
  ets:foldl(?TABLE,[],fun(Row={Id,_,_,_,_,_},Acc) -> [{Id,calc(Row)}|Acc] end).

boats:get(Id) ->
  [Row] = ets:lookup(?TABLE,Id),

calc({_K,X,Y,VX,VY,LastUpdate}) ->
  {X + (VX * (now() - LastUpdate)), Y + (VY * (now() - LastUpdate)}

This allows you not to block on a genserver, but also not to have to update the table every 5 seconds. You'd basically only update the table every time a boat reports in.