I would like to apply a function to all the tuples in an ETS table :
The table is a set, each key appears only once.
My table contains only tuples of the same type:
{Key, X, Y, VX, VY}
All values are ::integer()
What i want to do is have a certain value Elapsed and update all
my tuples with a function apply_vector/2
apply_vector({K, X, Y, 0, 0}, _Elapsed) ->
{K, X, Y, 0, 0};
apply_vector({K, X, Y, VX, VY}, Elapsed) ->
NewX = X + (VX * Elapsed),
NewY = Y + (VY * Elapsed),
{K, NewX, NewY, VX, VY}.
Possible solutions
If i use
, my inserts could be traversed during the fold, and result in an infinite (very long) loop.I could prepare the new tuples with a
, and then insert the whole list.I could insert to a new table, then replace the old table by the new, but i don't want to limit access to the table with calls to a gen_server, the table must be accessible at any time.
I can not use
because I need to read VX and VY values to update X and Y.I know there are some iterators utilities but no one seems to allow to pass a fun.
I need to make this update every 1 - 5 seconds. So, wich solution is the most efficient with 10 tuples ? With 100 tuples ? With more ?
Thank You !
I Keep a list of boats, the Key is the Boat ID, X and Y are geographic coordinates, VX and VY represents a vector of movement: a deplacement for one second. Elapsed is a ratio, a number of seconds since the last update. The table helps to know at any time the position of each boat.