The function getProductDefaultQty is only available on view block and not the list :(
You could rewrite the class Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List with a customer module and include this function in your module's class.
For the sake of this answer I will call your module Nat_Quantity (you can change this if you like)
Step 1: Create a moudle xml
Under /app/etc/modules/ create a file Nat_Quantity.xml. It should look something like (note the codePool has a uppercase P).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Catalog />
Step 2: Create your modules folder structure
Under /app/code/local/ create the folder Nat, then under there create the folder Quantity.
Under this Quantity folder create the following two folders, etc and Block. (Note the etc is lowercase)
Step 3: Create your config.xml
Under /app/code/local/Nat/Quantity/etc create a config.xml file that will look something like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Step 3: Create your block
Under /app/code/local/Nat/Quantity/Block/Product create a List.php which will looks something as follows:
class Nat_Quantity_Block_Product_List extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List {
* Get default qty - either as preconfigured, or as 1.
* Also restricts it by minimal qty.
* @param null|Mage_Catalog_Model_Product
* @return int|float
public function getProductDefaultQty($product)
$qty = $this->getMinimalQty($product);
$config = $product->getPreconfiguredValues();
$configQty = $config->getQty();
if ($configQty > $qty) {
$qty = $configQty;
return $qty;
This should then allow you in the list template to call $this->getProductDefaultQty($product). You will need to pass into the function a validate product or you could pass in a product id and then load the product in the function
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);