Hope you are doing fine.
This is my scenario. I have multiple (20+) Liferay portlets that use grids/tables to display data.
Each portlet retrieves data based on a different criteria.
However, the grid is the same with some common functionalities such as filtering, pagination, data export etc.
Currently, each time we have to make a change in the grid style, I have to make the change in each of the 20+ portlets. This is really inefficient and results in a lot of time wasted.
Hence, I was wondering whether it is possible to create a generic 'portlet' or 'composite' so that it can display data from multiple portlets? To elaborate, the generic portlet/composite will contain the grid, filtering, pagination, export etc. features.
This generic portlet/composite will receive data from the various portlets and simply display it.
Hence, if I need to make any change in the grid style, making the change in only one place will suffice.
Has any one experienced such a scenario before?
Do you have any solution?
Thanks in advance for any help.