
I have a device that is connected on port COM4, (115200 baud, 8-N-1). Based on examples I found here I'm opening the port with:

                    if(GetLastError() !=0 || Keyboard_Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                        AfxMessageBox("Error opening connection to Keyboard");

                    char buffer[100];
     strcpy(buffer,"baud=115200 parity=N data=8 stop=1");

     if(GetCommState(Keyboard_Handle, &dcb))
      dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200;
      dcb.ByteSize = 8;
      dcb.Parity = 0;
      dcb.StopBits = 1;
      SetCommState(Keyboard_Handle, &dcb);

Later in my code I call WriteFile on the port with:

    LPDWORD bytes_written;
    LPDWORD bytes_read;
    char write_buf[10];

    write_buf[0] = 's';
    write_buf[1] = '\0';

    if(Keyboard_Handle != NULL) {
    WriteFile(Keyboard_Handle, (LPCVOID)write_buf , strlen(write_buf), bytes_written, OVERLAP); 

And every time I run the code I get the JIT Debugger complaining about an unhandled exception (though the WriteFile is inside a Try/catch block).

Is there something wrong with how I'm doing this?


2 Answers


bytes_written needs to be an address of a variable; the compiler wouldn't compile the statement you posted.

Likewise, "OVERLAP" doesn't make sense.

Did you check whether CreateFile succeeded?

What's in write_buf when you call strlen on it?

Try copy-and-pasting the actual code that you're using.

Also that doesn't seem like a very good/informative sample that you're using. Try Windows Serial Port Programming and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810467.aspx

Also start with the sample program from the Microsoft site, test it before you modify it (to check that it's working on your machine) and then modify it.


When you call SetCommState is the return value 0? It could be erroring out which could be causing more problems.

Also, have you stepped through line by line to make sure that it is the WriteFile call that crashes it?

Lastly, you could have some antivirus or other software hooking into your app causing these problems (look for unknown dll's loaded in your module list).