
Error: APK version 3404400,2802221,2401211 supports all the same devices as other APKs with higher versions. It would not be served. Please deactivate an APK.

Previously I have uploaded multiple apks for my android application with version 1.1

versioncode screenresolution 3404400 720x1280

2802221 320x480

2401211 240x320

Now Today When I have uploaded with versioncode 5404400,4802221,4401211 for respective screen resolutions with version 1.2 . Then I am getting this error. Now I have deactivated those older apks. Is there will be any problem in getting updates notification for devices(who already installed the older version) . Please let me know.

no, this is the main idea. To have only one active apk for particular constraints. Your user will be up to date :)mihail
I am not getting the update notification in my mobile. What might be the reason?????ARIJIT
depends on your settings. If you visit your app in play store, what do you see - Update or Install button? Also check the official information provided by google: developer.android.com/distribute/googleplay/publish/…mihail
I am getting Update button while visiting the app in play store. But just like in other apps, we are getting notification from play store to download the update version. That I am not getting. Because right now my older version apks are also active, Is that might be the reason????? Should I deactivate them???ARIJIT
i've never left two active versions for one app. I don't know the behavior. Probably you should deactivate the older ones.mihail

1 Answers


Solved by de activating the older ones