Since CakePHP is updated to 2.3.5, I have problem to save data. I don't want to save datas who contains no price.
My method beforeSave in my model looks like this :
public function beforeSave($options = array()){
return true;
Since my update, i've found this in /lib/Model/Model.php (l. 1751)
if ($success && $count === 0) {
$success = false;
If i comment this 3 lines my problem is solved. Do you know a method in my beforeSave who don't block my saving ?
If i use data validation, all my datas are not saved with my saveAll.
Exemple model "Option" validator:
public $validate = array(
'prix' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty'
Exemple datas to save :
'Commande' => array(
'nature_commande' => '0',
'base_id' => '1',
'nom' => 'Test',
'chef_id' => '531',
'Option' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'prix' => '5456'
(int) 1 => array(
'prix' => '45645'
(int) 3 => array(
'prix' => ''
saveAll in my Controller "Commande" (return false):
debug($this->Commande->saveAll($this->request->data, array('validate' => 'first')));
I would like my datas be saved out of the last row in my Model "Options" => 3. I can use foreach in my controler to delete the blank row but can i make it better ?
is the number of fields. If you are unsetting everything in$this->data[]
, then you will have no fields for cake to save, hence that condition is met. Your logic/code is wrong, cake's model code is fine. Use cakes built-in validation – Ross