
in discreet time, I have 2 balls whose positions are determined by numerical method.

testing for collision is just (d < r1 + r2), that's the 1st step. the 2nd step is to determine the time of collision impact so I can obtain the normal vector when the collision happened and apply the proper collision response <-- the process is very consuming, is there a simpler way to solver this? like some sort of approximation to simplify the calculations?

it would be easy if it's just 2 dots, but the balls have radius. I have to linear interpolate back in time to find the exact time at which they collided.

I know the position and velocity of the balls in the current time step

if the timestep is small enoguh, I can use linear approximation to get the previous positions and use it to get the collision point so I can give it a proper collision response

the time of when the collision is when (d = r1 + r2) is satisfied, expanding on this equation, we get

(P1 - tV1) - (P2 - tV2) = N (r1 + r2), P's are the center posision of the balls, V's are the velocities, and N is the normal vector pointing from ball 1 to ball 2.

collec the terms, (P1 - P2) - t (V1 - V2) = N(r1 + r2)

we can get rid of N by dot product on both sides, but this will be very hard to isoalte t with all the squares and stuff.

let (Px , Py) = P1 - P2, same thing for V, and then perform the dot product on both sides

we get (Px - tVx)^2 + (Px - tVx)^2 = (r1 + r2)^2, to solve for t, we need to expand it

Px^2 + Py^2 - t(2Vx + 2Vy) + t^2(Vx^2 + Vy^2) = (r1 + r2)^2

t^2(Vx^2 + Vy^2) - t(2Vx + 2Vy) + (Px^2 + Py^2 - (r1 + r2)^2) = 0

which can be solved with quadratic solver for at^2 + bt + c = 0, and we know t is smaller than the step size

but this is very a complicated solution, is there no simpler way to solve this problem?

Why is that complicated? It solves the problem with one calculation O(1) for every pair. There is no asymptotically faster solution.davin
Your question does not seem to be directly related to programming, and thus seems off-topic for Stack Overflow. Questions about mathematics are better asked at our sister site, math.stackexchange.com.Ilmari Karonen

1 Answers


If no acceleration is applied to the spheres over each timestep, which is reasonable if your timestep is small, then by example: if d = r1+r2+A at t_start, and d = r1+r2-B at t_end, the collision occurred A/(B+A) through the timestep.

The coordinate of this collision can then be trivially calculated from the velocity vectors V1 and V2.