I stumbled upon Liu WenSui's method that uses bootstrap or simulation approach to solve that problem for Poisson estimates.
Example from the Author
pkgs <- c('doParallel', 'foreach')
lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T)
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
data(AutoCollision, package = "insuranceData")
df <- rbind(AutoCollision, AutoCollision)
mdl <- glm(Claim_Count ~ Age + Vehicle_Use, data = df, family = poisson(link = "log"))
new_fake <- df[1:5, 1:2]
boot_pi <- function(model, pdata, n, p) {
odata <- model$data
lp <- (1 - p) / 2
up <- 1 - lp
seeds <- round(runif(n, 1, 1000), 0)
boot_y <- foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
bdata <- odata[sample(seq(nrow(odata)), size = nrow(odata), replace = TRUE), ]
bpred <- predict(update(model, data = bdata), type = "response", newdata = pdata)
rpois(length(bpred), lambda = bpred)
boot_ci <- t(apply(boot_y, 2, quantile, c(lp, up)))
return(data.frame(pred = predict(model, newdata = pdata, type = "response"), lower = boot_ci[, 1], upper = boot_ci[, 2]))
boot_pi(mdl, new_fake, 1000, 0.95)
sim_pi <- function(model, pdata, n, p) {
odata <- model$data
yhat <- predict(model, type = "response")
lp <- (1 - p) / 2
up <- 1 - lp
seeds <- round(runif(n, 1, 1000), 0)
sim_y <- foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
sim_y <- rpois(length(yhat), lambda = yhat)
sdata <- data.frame(y = sim_y, odata[names(model$x)])
refit <- glm(y ~ ., data = sdata, family = poisson)
bpred <- predict(refit, type = "response", newdata = pdata)
rpois(length(bpred),lambda = bpred)
sim_ci <- t(apply(sim_y, 2, quantile, c(lp, up)))
return(data.frame(pred = predict(model, newdata = pdata, type = "response"), lower = sim_ci[, 1], upper = sim_ci[, 2]))
sim_pi(mdl, new_fake, 1000, 0.95)
will give profile likelihood intervals on model terms, but the OP wants a prediction interval. IIRC there is no distinction between confidence and prediction intervals in the GLM. – Gavin Simpsonsummary(mod)
use the model to give values of response for values of the predictors. It can give prediction and confidence intervals. In a GLM, IIRC, these are the same thing. Hence what I show in the answer is how to do whatpredict.lm()
does but for a GLM, based only on standard errors of predictions. – Gavin Simpsonconfint.default()
assumes normality, which need not be the case for GLMS IIRC. The shape of the profile likelihood will be useful in determining whether normality is a reasonable assumption or not. – Gavin Simpson