I'm at my ropes end with this. I have spent countless hours trying to figure this out and no such luck.
Short Explanation of Problem
Inside my custom control class, when I check Application.Current.Resources["key"] I am returned null. This "Key" style is inside a local dictionary which is supposed to be merged with the Application.Current.Resources by my Control Library's themes/generic.xaml resource.
How do I reference/confirm a reference to a MergedDictionary in my SilverLight Control Library's themes/generic.xaml.
Is this even possible or is my thinking on how merged resources are suppose to be merged entirely wrong?
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Long Explanation of Problem
I have a Silverlight Control Library with a Controls folder, and a Themes folder. Inside the Themes folder I have generic.xaml. Its content:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/SilverLightLib;component/Themes/EnhancedLabelDict.xaml" />
Inside the Themes folder I have EnhancedLabelDict.xaml. Its content:
<Style x:Key="ReadOnlyTextBox" TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1"/>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#FF000000"/>
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="2"/>
<Setter Property="BorderBrush">
<!-- A lot more code -->
Both these files build action is set to Page.
Now I have no idea if the generic.xaml is even loading my resource. The only way I can tell is if I put some un-formatted text between . This causes an error.
If I use an incorrect path to my ResourceDictionary, I receive a run time error - 'Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source'
Inside my Controls folder, I have EnhancedLabel.cs which extends ContentControl. Inside it's constructor, I create a new TextBox and assign it's style like so:
Style style = Application.Current.Resources["ReadOnlyTextBox"] as Style;
this.textBox.Style = style;
I have this style in both the App.xaml and my EnhancedLabelDict.xaml which is inside my library. When I comment out the Style in App.xaml, the 'ReadOnlyTextBox' style is not found (null). Uncomment it, it is found.
I don't understand why I cannot reference my style from within my EnhancedLabel.cs.
If I take the EnhancedLabelDict.xaml, add it to a Themes folder inside a Resources folder inside my main Application. If I then add the following to my App.xaml:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/SilverLightPOC;component/Resources/Themes/EnhancedLabelDict.xaml" />
My control works! So other than the path, there is nothing different. But this doesn't work because I don't want to have to store Dictionary files that my Library depends on, inside the main application.
Please help.