I am using a Google Charts' AnnotatedTimeline which contains three different series.
The first series has its own scale. The second and third should have the same scale as they represent the same kind of data.
The thing is I can only get the scales to be associated to one series at a time. Here's how I'm currently drawing the chart:
chart.draw(chartData, {scaleType: 'allmaximized', scaleColumns:[0, 1], displayExactValues: true, dateFormat: 'dd MMMM yyyy'});
This way, the first series has its own scale on the left, which is good. The second scale, however, is computed using only the second series' values, so the third series is misplaced on the chart. Changing the method to:
chart.draw(chartData, {scaleType: 'allmaximized', scaleColumns:[0, 1, 2], displayExactValues: true, dateFormat: 'dd MMMM yyyy'});
adds a third scale in the middle of the graph for the third series, which is not what I want.
Is there a way to group series 2 and 3 to get the same scale for both?