How can I get a list of compatible encodings for a Ruby String? (MRI 1.9.3)
Use case: I have some user provided strings, encoded with UTF-8. Ideally I need to convert them to ISO/IEC 8859-1
(8-bit), but I also need to fallback to unicode when some special characters are present.
Also, is there a better way to accomplis this? Maybe I am testing the wrong thing.
EDIT- adding more details
Tanks for the answers, I should probably add some context.
I know how to perform encoding conversion.
I'm looking for a way to quickly find out if a string can be safely encoded to another encoding or, to put it in another (and quite wrong) way, what is the minimum encoding to support all the characters in that string.
Just converting the strings to 16-byte is not an option, because they will be sent as SMSs and converting them to a 16-byte encoding cuts the amount of available characters from 160 down to 70.
I need to convert them to 16-bytes only when they contain a special character which is not supported in ISO/IEC 8859-1