please advise me on how to correctly conduct a full-text search on a dictionary field.
I have indexed all translatable fields like this:
public class TranTest
public string Id { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, string> Trans1 { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, string> Trans2 { get; set; }
//for index queries
public IDictionary<string, string> Trans { get; set; }
public class TranTestIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<TranTest>
public TranTestIndex()
Map = docs =>
from doc in docs
select new
_ = doc.Trans1.Select(x => CreateField("Trans_" + x.Key, x.Value)),
Trans2 = doc.Trans2.Select(x => CreateField("Trans_" + x.Key, x.Value)),
/* etc. */
Index("Trans_en", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index("Trans_fi", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
/* etc. */
This (query translates to: Trans_en:(term)) returns correct results:
var luceneQ = session.Advanced.LuceneQuery<TranTest, TranTestIndex>().Search(x => x.Trans["en"], searchTerms).ToList();
But I would prefer using the IRavenQueryable API. Unfortunately a similiar query in that API produces InvalidOperationException: Could not understand how to translate 'x.Trans.get_Item("en")' to a RavenDB query:
var ravenQ = session.Query<TranTest, TranTestIndex>().Search(x => x.Trans["en"], searchTerms);
results = ravenQ.ToList(); //Exception!
Which is odd, considering this works flawlessly (translates to: Trans_en:"term*"):
session.Query<TranTest, TranTestIndex>().Where(x => x.Trans["en"].StartsWith(searchTerms))
My questions regarding this issue:
- How would I create a multiple term full-text search query on a dictionary field with IRavenQueryable linq API?
- Is it possible to combine IRavenQueryable and IDocumentQuery into one query?
- Is there a another/better way to create the index?
- It has to support dynamically adding new languages
- It has to support searching over a concrete language
- Search should be conducted over multiple fields