I'm writing a universal app that supports rotation. When app starts, it needs to download some data from internet, so I push a UIViewController with activity indicator, because it is not possible to have animated launch images or add labels or objects to it.
I would like the "loading" VC has the same bg image as launch, but, because it is a universal app, I can't set a simple [UIImage imageNamed:@"Default.png"] because it can running on iPhone or iPad and if iPad can be launched in portrait or landscape (iPhone apps always start in portrait).
The question is: there's a way to know which Default.png has been used as launch image? it can be
- Default.png (@2x if retina)
- Default-Portrait.png (@2x if retina)
- Default-Landscape.png (@2x if retina)
- [email protected]
If there's now way, I will check currentDevice and orientation and set imageNamed manually.
Thanks, Max