Problem: I cannot setup Run Configurations to run scalatest for the Scalatests in my project.
Steps to reproduce:
- Right click on Scala Suite and click on Run as -> Run configurations..
- On the left, I see a configuration template for ScalaTest. I click on New and fill the Name but it cannot find the suite-class.
Note: It is mentioned here that I should see Run as -> ScalaTest - Suite but I do not see that option. I tried using context menu in the editor, and in the package explorer
Steps taken:
- Using: Scala IDE for Eclipse version: 2.1.0.m3-2_09
- Using SBT, assemble project, run eclipse command and then import project and dependencies into Eclipse
- Project compiles. ScalaTest code compiles(scalatest_2.9.2-1.8.jar is in the 'Referenced Libraries' configuration)
defined but the runner needs aclass
? – user500592