
I have a local install of Magento 1.7. I installed it with the sample data. I have made no changes to it - it's the default install. There are two (probably related) problems:

  1. If I look at any of the static blocks created with the sample data, none of the images show in the wysiwyg editor. It just shows a placeholder images that says "skin image". The images do show properly in the front end.

  2. If I create a new static block, and try to insert an image by clicking on the 'insert/edit image' icon of the editor, the image will upload, but clicking 'insert image' will not insert the image into the editor.

I googled on the images not showing in the editor and there are tons of posts about it on versions 1.4, none of which have worked for me in 1.7. I would have thought it would be corrected by 1.7.

Also, I do have an old install of 1.6 on the same server that I played around with about 6 months ago and it does not have this problem.

Any ideas on how to get this to work?

Thanks, Mickey

Ugh. Disregard the second item. I'm a moron. Still looking for help with the first item though.Michelle Williamson

1 Answers


For issue No.1 download the sample database from http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/installing-the-sample-data-for-magento

and put the images in respective folder, and clear the cache.


Open any static block and click on Show/Hide Editor button and you will see that there is variable passed in SRC like "{{skin url='images/media/electronics_cellphones.jpg}}", which is create the dynamic links based on the base URL of your site. That's why in admin section it's not showing the image.