
Lately EmberJS changed a lot (Router, ...) and the code I have started to write less than a month ago is now broken. One of the issue I have right now is I am not able to manually bind the controller to the view.

I am using requireJS by the way...

So I used to the able to do something like this (here to define the view for my menu and the menu items), to actually get the Controller content and selected properties.

     * Menu view
     * @param template
     * @returns Class
    function( template )
        return Ember.View.extend
            controllerBinding : 'controller.controllers.menuController',
            selectedBinding: 'controller.selected',
            template: Ember.Handlebars.compile( template ),
            NavItemView: Ember.View.extend
                tagName: 'li',
                classNameBindings: 'isActive:active'.w(),
                isActive: function()
                    return this.get('item') === this.get('parentView.selected');
                }.property('item', 'parentView.selected').cacheable()

It looks like 'controller.controllers.menuController' doesn't exists anymore. I have been able to find the class in the container cache 'container.cache.contoller:menu' but my view controller will still be null. I have also try App.MenuController being defined in the Application.create({})

Any idea?

On a side note, if anybody has a working example using the latest (github) EmberJS and requireJS I would be VERY interested :)



1 Answers


Here is the latest TODOMVC Ember/require.js! :D I'll come back to answer your questions more explicitly:
