
I'm using an open source software called LDAP Account Manager to manage ldap users, groups, and hosts for my company. I'm having a weird problem though, and I was hoping someone could give me an idea what's happening on the LDAP side of things as opposed to the actual software.

So here's the problem in a nutshell.

  1. The software can find all users at the following suffix:


  2. When I try to view the details of one of these users, I get an error that says:

    Bad search filter

  3. Here's the weird part. When I add a new user, the entry appears with the other users at the same suffix.


In other words, all of the users (the old ones that were already in the LDAP tree, and the new one I added, exist in the same place).

  1. I can navigate to the new user at:

    CN=User, Test,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=xxxxx,dc=com

But I can't navigate to any of the existing users at this location (I get the Bad Search Filter error):

CN=Fakename, John,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=xxxxx,dc=com

This seems inconsistent, and I'm trying to brainstorm what could be happening. The users exist in the same location, but I get an error when accessing some, but not others. Could this be a permissions issue, or is there something I am missing?


1 Answers


It sounds very much like your software has troubles encoding the , (comma) separating the name and the surname in the create command or in the search filter.