I am trying to write a libgdx livewallpaper (OpenGL ES 2.0) which will display a unique background image (non splittable into sprites).
I want to target tablets, so I need to somehow be able to display at least 1280x800 background image on top of which a lot more action will also happen, so I need it to render as fast as possible.
Now I have only basic knowledge both about libgdx and about opengl es, so I do not know what is the best way to approach this.
By googling I found some options:
- split texture into smaller textures. It seems like GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE on most devices is at least 1024x1024, but I do not want to hit max, so maybe I can use 512x512, but wouldn't that mean drawing a lot of tiles, rebinding many textures on every frame => low performance?
- libgdx has GraphicsTileMaps which seems to be the tool to automate drawing tiles. But it also has support for many features (mapping info to tiles) that I do not need, maybe it would be better to use splitting by hand?
Again, the main point here is performance for me - because drawing background is expected to be the most basic thing, more animation will be on top of it!
And with tablet screen growing in size I expect soon I'll need to be able to comfortably render even bigger image sizes :)
Any advice is greatly appreciated! :)