You can get the points you want using the Plot MSER regions property , for example (from matlab documentation):
regions = detectMSERFeatures(I);
imshow(I);hold on;
Plot MSER Regions
figure; imshow(I);hold on;
plot(regions,'showPixelList',true, 'showEllipses',false);
hold off;
Original answer:
REGIONS will give you info regarding the Centroid (X0,Y0) the orientation angle (phi) and the minor and major axes (or their half: the a,b parameters of the ellipse).
Centroid: An M-by-2 array of [x y] centroid coordinates of ellipses that have the same second moments as the MSER regions.
Axes: A two-element vector, [majorAxis minorAxis]. This vector specifies the major and minor axis of the ellipse that have the same second moments as the MSER regions.
Orientation: A value in the range from -pi/2 to +pi/2 radians. This value represents the orientation of the ellipse as measured from the X-axis to the major axis of the ellipse.
You can loop using the code below on each of the stored regions (or COUNT property).
To draw a contour of the ellipse you can use the following code:
% These are just values to play with
R = [ cos(phi) sin(phi); -sin(phi) cos(phi) ];
theta_r = linspace(0,2*pi);
ellipse_x_r = X0 + a*cos( theta_r );
ellipse_y_r = Y0 + b*sin( theta_r );
rotated_ellipse = R * [ellipse_x_r;ellipse_y_r];
plot( rotated_ellipse(1,:),rotated_ellipse(2,:),'b' );