I'm attempting to use Ruby SNMP to capture SNMP traps from various devices. In order to test them I'm attempting to send them from my laptop using the 'snmptrap' command. I can see that the traps are being sent and arriving at my server (the server is the manager) in packet captures, as well as in the 'snmptrapd' utility when I run it. I'm using the following example code exactly as it is, in the demo from the documentation to set up a TrapListener.
require 'snmp'
require 'logger'
log = Logger.new(STDOUT)
m = SNMP::TrapListener.new do |manager|
manager.on_trap_default do |trap|
log.info trap.inspect
I'm sending an SNMPv2c trap, and nothing ever appears on the screen...
Here is the command I'm using to send a test SMTP trap, in the even that it's useful:
snmptrap -v 2c -c public hostname_goes_here SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyType SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation
Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!