To summarize my situation, I am writing a server program that opens a UDP socket with which any number of clients can communicate. I receive UDP packets using code similar to the following:
EndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
count = socket.ReceiveFrom(buf, ref sender); // 'count' and 'buf' are defined elsewhere
// If an exception isn't thrown, 'sender' will now contain the EndPoint of the client that sent the packet.
catch(SocketException e)
if(e.ErrorCode == 10054)
// How do I get the EndPoint that caused the error?
// The 'sender' variable above does not contain the EndPoint.
I receive error code 10054 ("An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host") when my server sends a packet to a client that has closed its own socket. I would like to stop sending packets to that client so that SocketExceptions stop getting thrown, which severely hurts my server's performance.
But my problem is that I don't know how to get the EndPoint of the particular client that was forcibly closed. (The 'sender' variable above isn't set to anything useful before the exception is thrown.) How can I find that EndPoint?
A less-ideal but still workable solution would be to simply disable the SocketException from being thrown.
Any ideas?