On my below code connect()
method is able to catch the 2009 and 2059 exceptions. But when I make my queue manager or connection down to generate 2009 or 2059 MQ exception in getMessage()
method , program is getting hung or it didn't throws it .
It is waiting in line queue.get(retrievedMessage, getOptions);
Do we need to add additional open option to make the code aware if a connection or queue manager is broken ?
Connect() {`MQEnvironment.hostname = hostName; MQEnvironment.channel = channelName; MQEnvironment.port = portName; try { qMgr = new MQQueueManager(EvtqManager); // define a queue manager object LOGGER.debug("Queue Manager " +EvtqManager+ " Instance Initialized"); int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INQUIRE + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING+ MQC.MQOO_INPUT_SHARED; queue = qMgr.accessQueue(queueName, openOptions, null,null,null); LOGGER.debug("IBM MQQueue:"+queueName+" is accessed"); getOptions = new MQGetMessageOptions(); getOptions.options = MQC.MQGMO_NO_WAIT; getMessage(); } catch(){ if(MQex.reasonCode==2009 || MQex.reasonCode==2059){ shutDown(); Connect(); } }
getMessage(){ MQMessage retrievedMessage; while (true) { try { retrievedMessage = new MQMessage(); queue.get(retrievedMessage, getOptions); PCFMessage pcfMessage = new PCFMessage(retrievedMessage); } catch (MQException MQex) { if(MQex.reasonCode==2009 || MQex.reasonCode==2059){ shutDown(); Connect(); } } }