
I add lines to a TMemo in Firemonkey and I want the line added to be scrolled into view when there are more lines than can be displayed in the TMemo. I cannot find how to do that. I tried

Display.Lines.Add (arg);
Caret.Line := Display.Lines.Count - 1;
Caret.Pos  := 0;
Display.CaretPosition := Caret;

but that did not help. The help was very limited so I am not sure what I am doing here.


When trying out the code of the respondents I noticed I had tested the code example wrong. I apologize for that, my only excuse is that it was near midnight when I wrote and tested the code. The code above does work. I deleted the statement Display.CaretVisible := True; from the original code because this did not impact the behavior I desired.

Please clarify what you mean. Does display overflows mean the TMemo has more lines than can be displayed without scrolling? Does display added line mean scroll to the added line when it isn't visible? Do you just want to scroll it into view, or do you want to also select the added line?James L.
I want to scroll the lastly added line into view. Selection is not relevant. Caret is declared as Caret: TCaretPosition.Arnold

2 Answers


Since you are are just appending the string via Lines.Add(), you can call Display.GoToTextEnd to scroll it to the end and show the just appended line.


You can set the value of the VScrollBar.Value property to its Max value. That will always scroll - or force the scrollbar - to the bottom of the Memo (ScrollBox).


Display.VScrollBar.Value := Display.VScrollBar.Max