
I needed to create a NSButton with both image and title but I didn't like any of the standard positioning methods in cocoa.

I decided to subclass the button cell and override the -imageRectForBounds: and -titleRectForBounds: to provide my custom positions. The problem is that the -titleRectForBounds: method gets called normally but the -imageRectForBounds: is not.

The images in the buttons are shown normally so the cell must have a frame to draw the images I just don't know where it gets it from.

The code is really simple. At the moment the only thing I did is to subclass NSButtonCell and override those two methods. Then in IB I choose an NSButton and change its cell class to my custom button cell.

Here is the code:

#import "JSButtonCell.h"

@implementation JSButtonCell

- (NSRect)titleRectForBounds:(NSRect)theRect
    NSLog(@"Bounds for title");
    NSRect titleRect = [super titleRectForBounds:theRect];
    NSLog(@"Title rect");
    return titleRect;

- (NSRect)imageRectForBounds:(NSRect)theRect
    NSLog(@"Bounds for image");
    NSRect imageRect = [super imageRectForBounds:theRect];
    NSLog(@"Image rect");
    imageRect.origin.y -= 20;
    return imageRect;

Same thing is happening here. Have you ever been able to find out what happened?Martin
No I'm sorry I just abandoned the approach.Jacopo
All right, thanks for letting me know. I'll come back and post the solution - if I ever find one...Martin

1 Answers


With little debugging I understand, that default NSButtonCell implementation doesn't calls drawImage:withFrame:inView:. Why? I don't find an answer neither on forums nor at the Apple docs (If someone explain - I will be happy :). I was solve this issue by simply override drawImage:withFrame:inView: and call imageRectForBounds::

- (void)drawImage:(NSImage *)image withFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView
    [super drawImage:image withFrame:[self imageRectForBounds:frame] inView:controlView];