I'm trying to add a overlay to the preferences of the browser from my extension without success. Nothing is displayed when my plugin is installed. Other xul files show correctly (for example a preferences dialog of the plugin. I tried to adapt this tutorial to my needs.
I register the overlay in chrome.manifest:
content smime chrome/content/
overlay chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul chrome://smime/content/preferences.xul
The preferences.xul:
<overlay xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
<!-- Merge with the BrowserPreferences Window -->
<prefwindow id="BrowserPreferences">
<!-- Create a new pane (tab) for HP Scheduler. -->
<prefpane id="hpschedPane" label="&prefpane.label;"
<!-- Intermediary between GUI and preferences system -->
<preference id="sodgeItSmimeKeyfile" name="extensions.sodgeItSmime.keyfile" type="text"/>
<!-- GUI Elements... -->
<caption label="Settings"/>
<column flex="4"/>
<column flex="1"/>
<label control="keyfile" value="Keyfile"/>
<textbox id="keyfile" preference="sodgeItSmimeKeyfile"/>
This is what I want to do - add a tab in the Firefox settings dialog.
Edit: added image to describe what I'm trying to do