
Possible Duplicate:
How to access a standard-library module in Python when there is a local module with the same name?

I'm using Python 2.6.

I only use absolute imports in my application. Now I have this:

   -- myscript 
   -- json
         -- anotherscript.py

In myscript, I have:

import json
import myapp.json.anotherscript

Because of Python relative import mechanism, import json does not import the built-in library as I want, but my custom json package into current namespace.

Is there a way to disable relative imports in Python or at least a hack to avoid it in this case? Otherwise, i'll have to rename my package to something else that does not make so much sense as jsonutils.

Thanks in advance.

Why do you want to avoid from . import json? That syntax was introduced to solve your problem! Anyway, as a rule, never ever name a module like a built-in.Bakuriu

1 Answers

from __future__ import absolute_import

Described in PEP-328