
I am trying to check one condition when i m checking a particular checkbox.below is the code

Private Sub CheckBox4_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox4.CheckedChanged
        If CheckBox4.Checked Then
        End If

i put one debugger to check whether the control is going to this event or not but it's not going.please tell me what is the problem..

Please show that control from the .Designer.cs page..Vishal Suthar
it's a winform application...how to show the designer.cs..??Snehasish
You must not have added registered the event. Register the event from designer. Verify it from your Designer>Properties>Events sectionnawfal
Open the Form in Designer view and double click on the CheckBox4 control. This will cause VB to focus on the Code Behind file and will even create a Sub for the Event. Make sure you put your code thereAhmad
I wrote the code after double clicking only..@Ahmad SanSnehasish

2 Answers


From your arguments it looks that you have performed appropriate steps. I would suggest that you should look for this piece of code:

   RemoveHandler CheckBox4.CheckedChanged, AddressOf CheckBox4_CheckedChanged

It is possible that you have unregistered handler somewhere in code either in .vb or .designer.vb


Have you tried using the full code to see if it works?

If CheckBox4.Checked = True Then
End If