
I have an actionsheet created, and I want to display the Facebook sharing option. I dont want to use the Composeviewcontroller. My question is: Is it possible to only show the Facebook share option if the user has IOS6 installed? Code snippets would be very useful. I added the social framework and created an actionsheet with some buttons:

UIActionSheet *actionsheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Empfehlen" delegate:(id)self cancelButtonTitle:@"Abbrechen" destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"via Mail", @"via iMessage/SMS",@"Tweet", nil];

Does have anyone suggestions or solutions what to do?

My App uses iOS 5 and I would like to keep it.


You may also wish to use a UIActivityViewController on iOS 6 instead of a UIActionSheet.rmaddy
I mean exactly what I said. Have a look at the docs for UIActivityViewController. It's the new way to present these types of options. On an iOS 6 device, run the Photos app and choose to share a photo for an example. The popup with all the icons is a UIActivityViewController. Much nicer than showing an action sheet.rmaddy
well yes, youre right, but what is if the user doesnt use ios6? like on Iphone 3gs?MasterRazer
See my answer below to see how you use either a UIActivityViewController or UIActionSheet depending on the user's device.rmaddy

2 Answers


This is an answer to a follow-up question made by the OP in the comments section.

Under iOS 6+ you can use a UIActivityViewController while under iOS 5 earlier you can still use a UIActionSheet.

Class avcClass = NSClassFromString(@"UIActivityViewController");
if (avcClass) {
    NSArray *items = @[ xxx ]; // create one or more activity item objects for this
    UIActivityViewController *avc = [[avcClass alloc] initWithActivityItems:items applicationActivities:nil];
    [self presentViewController:abc animated:YES completion:nil];
} else {
    // create and show an action sheet

UIActionSheet *actionsheet;

if([SLComposeViewController class] != nil)//some class only available in ios6
    actionsheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Empfehlen" delegate:(id)self 
cancelButtonTitle:@"Abbrechen" destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"via Mail", @"via iMessage/SMS",@"Tweet", @"Facebook", nil];
    actionsheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Empfehlen" delegate:(id)self 
cancelButtonTitle:@"Abbrechen" destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"via Mail", @"via iMessage/SMS",@"Tweet", nil];

You're just checking if what you want to share exists and if it does show the option.