I have an actionsheet created, and I want to display the Facebook sharing option. I dont want to use the Composeviewcontroller. My question is: Is it possible to only show the Facebook share option if the user has IOS6 installed? Code snippets would be very useful. I added the social framework and created an actionsheet with some buttons:
UIActionSheet *actionsheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Empfehlen" delegate:(id)self cancelButtonTitle:@"Abbrechen" destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"via Mail", @"via iMessage/SMS",@"Tweet", nil];
Does have anyone suggestions or solutions what to do?
My App uses iOS 5 and I would like to keep it.
on iOS 6 instead of aUIActionSheet
. – rmaddyUIActivityViewController
. It's the new way to present these types of options. On an iOS 6 device, run the Photos app and choose to share a photo for an example. The popup with all the icons is aUIActivityViewController
. Much nicer than showing an action sheet. – rmaddy