Quoting the Perl Unicode FAQ "What if I don't decode?"
Whenever your encoded, binary string is used together with a text string, Perl will assume that your binary string was encoded with ISO-8859-1, also known as latin-1. If it wasn't latin-1, then your data is unpleasantly converted. For example, if it was UTF-8, the individual bytes of multibyte characters are seen as separate characters, and then again converted to UTF-8. Such double encoding can be compared to double HTML encoding (>), or double URI encoding (%253E).
This silent implicit decoding is known as "upgrading". That may sound positive, but it's best to avoid it.
Disabling this implicit decoding would force the programmer to use decode()
properly and help prevent bugs.
Is it possible to turn off implicit decoding? Ideally, using a binary string together with a text string would result in an error.