I want to create an application with Silverlight & Prism where the user can navigate like this:
The red rectangles depict regions with different Prism modules inside (6 different modules in this example).
What is the best way to approach the following issues:
AFAIK the regions in the shell do not change, but I cannot create the different layouts I want by using the same regions (e.g. once the modules are stacked horizontally and once vertically). Would having multiple shells be a good option here?
I am aware of the Region Navigation Pipeline that can be used to switch between views in a region. Can this also be used to switch between different Shells?
Navigating between shells feels wrong, but how else could I solve this?
This seems like it would be a common scenario, but I can't find information on it. Most apps, even complex ones (i.e. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/erwinvandervalk/archive/2009/03/02/how-to-build-an-outlook-style-application.aspx, http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/165370/Creating-View-Switching-Applications-with-Prism-4, StockTrader RI ) use only one shell with a layout that never changes, but what if the layout has to change?