I am trying to track several joints at the same time using the Kinect SDK and C# sample of code from the Channel9.msdn website. I am following the same example code they have there, but I am unable to have one of my image representations move. The two ellipses I have that represent the hands are able to track my movements, but the headImage that represents the head joint automatically moves to the top left corner of the window and doesn't move. If i change the joint to be tracked to be another joint, such as one of the ones represented by the ellipses (which I know is tracking), the headImage still goes to the top left corner of the window. How is it I can track the hand joints using the ellipses, which follow my movements, but the headImage image does not move no matter what joint I set it to?
Update: It seems that when I remove the image object from the .xaml window and replace it with another ellipse object, all the ellipses start moving, which means the ellipse representing the joint that did not move before, is moving and is able to track. It must be a problem with using that particular image object (it is the head image that is the same chosen for the Channel9.msdn tutorial).