
I'm using schedule component of Primefaces 2.2.1. If you decompress primefaces-2.2.1.jar included in your project in /lib, you see a .js file and a .css file for each component of primefaces. In my case, I have schedule.js and schedule.css (placed at primefaces-2.2.1\META-INF\resources\primefaces\schedule). The point is that I have to modify schedule.js to add some functionality. So, I decompress primefaces-2.2.1.jar, modify schedule.js, compress everything again to primefaces-2.2.1.jar an place it again in /lib. Then I run the application and this message is showed to me:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error loading theme, cannot find "themes/sam/theme.css" resource of "primefaces" library

I can see that the file theme.css is present in primefaces-2.2.1\META-INF\resources\primefaces\themes\sam

And I know that it's possible to change schedule.js and make it work becouse some other user did. You can see it here http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15163&p=80971#p80971

Anybody knows how?


1 Answers


All you have to do is :

1) Install 7-zip

2) Browse the primefaces-2.2.1.jar , copy the relevant js file outside the jar

3) Modify it as you wish

4) Delete the relevant js file from the jar

5) Drag and Drop the modified js file back to the jar

Also , take a look at a similar question :

Customizing event appearance primefaces schedule