I am trying to do a proximity_fetch with the GeoModel class for Google App Engine. The entity I want to use it for is ndb and I am not sure what I need to download and import and what I can just import from google in my python code. The websites seem to be a little outdated and I was wondering if anyone had more pertinant information. This is what I have so far and it is telling me that Location has no attribute proximity_fetch, which I know but I am not sure how I should define it in the Location(ndb.Model) class.
g = geocoders.Google()
place, (lat, lng) = g.geocode(inputlocation, exactly_one=False)
bound = 20
upper = lat + bound
lower = lat - bound
left = lng + bound
right = lng - bound
locations = []
if lat and lng:
locations = Location.proximity_fetch(
geotypes.Point(lat, lng),
Also when I try to import geomodel and geotype which seem pretty vital for this it gives me an import error and I am not sure where to get them from.
Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated!