I've got a main content type: "tournament", and a number of complimentary content types, e. g. "news", "judges", "participants".
A piece of news may relate to one or more tournaments or not relate to any tournaments.
Node type: News
Has field: Relevant Tournament(s)
Node type: Tournament
The relation between tournaments and news should be set when creating a piece of news: you write news title, news contents and tick the relevant tournaments. So it's the complimentary node type that has the entity reference field.
On each tournament's page there should be a block that displays news relevant to the displayed tournament.
What i tried:
- Created a Block View and put it to tournaments' pages.
- Added a Contextual filter that retrieves tournament's Nid from URL.
- Added an EntityReference Relationship (either "Referencing or "Referenced").
- Set Format Style to Unformatted + Rendered Entity.
- Attached either of Relationships to the Rendered Entity Format Style.
- Also tried attaching Relationships to the Contextual filter.
But i failed to achieve the desired result.
I found a guide that might be relevant to my issue. But i failed to understand it because it involves PHP-hacking and is very Commerce-specific.